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When painting flora, we spend a great deal of time painting green.  I created this chart back in 2010 and I still carry it in my portfolio case.   I selected five yellow and six blue/green pigments from my arsenal.   I also made up a large batch of purple to act as a neutralizing tint.   You will see variances with each yellow/blue combination though there is no significant difference between the Prussian Blue and Pthalo Blue rows.  

Notice in all cases that when purple was added (+P), the mixture becomes browner or even gray.  Why? All three primaries are in the mix.

If I were to do this chart again, I would add more Lemon Yellow to the mixtures to show how bright the greens can be, no matter which blue you work with.

Lemon Yellow is my "go to yellow" for brightening my green passages. Notice as you paint with green ~ it dulls when it dries.   Simply add several coats of Lemon Yellow and your greens will come back to life!

Thank you for visiting, Linda

Linda C Miller Artist | Naturalist | Instructor

Copyright Linda C. Miller 2022

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